CSA Crime Report Form
Section I
This Report Form is only to be used by designated Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) to report Clery Act incidents. All others should contact the DSU Police Department directly.
Submission of this report will not open a police investigation. The information will be used to determine whether there is a serious and ongoing threat to the Delaware State University community and to classify, count and report Clery crimes. The incident will be included in the Daily Crime Log without any personally identifying information.
Campus Security Authorities (CSA) are required by Federal law to report, on a timely basis, any Clery Act crimes that they are made aware of to the DSU Police Department. University Police will use the submitted information to verify the appropriate classification of the crime. It is important for CSAs to document sufficient incident detail to allow University Police to properly classify the crime type.
Submission - To send the completed report form electronically, please click on the submit button at bottom of this form.